Regen Ag Tour 2022

Macintyre Ag Alliance’s second annual regen ag tour was supported by FRRR through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, GrainGrowers, and Southern Queensland Landscapes through the Queensland Government's Natural Resources Investment Program.

45 farmers joined us over the three day tour to see how farmers at Condamine, Roma and Moonie are implementing regenerative ag principles to increase their drought resilience and become more sustainable, profitable and productive.

Farm reports can be viewed at

Some tour feedback:

“We loved meeting and getting to know all the other tour participants and the hosts and visiting all those fabulous properties all working hard towards regeneration and a better future for those to come. So inspirational.. “

“Learning from others and chatting with everyone - I will take some motivation away from that.”

“Thank you Macintyre Ag Alliance for another stimulating and successful tour. Great discussions and always a healthy sharing of ideas.”

John Hickson, Bryan Lahey, Ian Moss, Tommy Carroll, Fraser Webb, Ian Beard and Justin and Kate Boshammer at “Camilaroi West”, Condamine.

Inspecting the no-kill multi-species crop at Peter and Nikki Thompson’s farm “Echo Hills”, Roma.

In a multi-species crop at Sam and Georgina Baker’s farm “Tennessee”, Moonie.


Community Golf Day


LoRaWAN integral at “Bundah”